César León Jr.🌋👋
César León Jr.🌋👋
César León Jr.🌋👋
César León is a Ph.D. Student of Planetary Geology at Washington University in St. Louis. His current research focuses on understanding the surface of rocky planets in our solar system, like Venus and the Moon. He aims to better understand Earth's tectonic evolution (structure of a planet's crust) and volcanism (volcanic and magmatic processes).
César strives to make science accessible through writing and scientific translation. He continues to mentor other first-generation and underrepresented students in higher education.
Check out his latest article on lunar water discoveries!
César León is a Ph.D. Student of Planetary Geology at Washington University in St. Louis. His current research focuses on understanding the surface of rocky planets in our solar system, like Venus and the Moon. He aims to better understand Earth's tectonic evolution (structure of a planet's crust) and volcanism (volcanic and magmatic processes).
César strives to make science accessible through writing and scientific translation. He continues to mentor other first-generation and underrepresented students in higher education.
Check out his latest article on lunar water discoveries!

Curriculum Vitae 🔬
Curriculum Vitae 🔬
Curriculum Vitae 🔬
Ph.D. Planetary Geology
Ph.D. Planetary Geology
College of Arts & Sciences, Washington University
College of Arts & Sciences, Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
expected 2029
exp. 2029
B.A. Earth Science
B.A. Earth Science
Columbia College, Columbia University
Columbia College, Columbia University
New York, New York
New York, New York
Study Abroad
Study Abroad
Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
Ph.D. Planetary Geology
College of Arts & Sciences, Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
exp. 2029
B.A. Earth Science
Columbia College, Columbia University
New York, New York
Study Abroad
Queen Mary University of London, U.K.

Research Appointments
Research Appointments
Research Appointments
Graduate Research Fellow
Graduate Research Fellow
Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis
08/2024 - present
Aug 2024 to present
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Senior Thesis)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Senior Thesis)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geochemistry
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geochemistry
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbia University in the City of New York
01/2022 - 05/2024
Jan 2022 to
May 2024
Graduate Research Fellow
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
Washington University in St. Louis
08/2024 - present
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Senior Thesis)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geochemistry
Columbia University in the City of New York
01/2022 - 05/2024
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geophysics
Columbia University in the City of New York
08/2023 - 12/2023
Undergraduate Research Fellow
Division of Geologic and Planetary Sciences, Planetary
California Institute of Technology
06/2023 - 08/2023
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geophysics
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Geophysics
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbia University in the City of New York
08/2023 - 12/2023
Aug 2023 to
Dec 2023
Undergraduate Research Fellow
Undergraduate Research Fellow
Division of Geologic and Planetary Sciences, Planetary
Division of Geologic and Planetary Sciences, Planetary
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology
06/2023 - 08/2023
June 2023 to Aug 2023
Teaching Appointments
Teaching Appointments
Teaching Appointments
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Washington University
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Washington University
EEPS 171 The Solar System
EEPS 171 The Solar System
01/2025 to present
Jan 2025 to
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
EESC 2200 Solid Earth Systems (Fall 2022, Spring 2024)
EESC 2200 Solid Earth Systems
EESC 2100 Climate Systems (Fall 2023)
EESC 2100 Climate Systems
08/2022 to 05/2024
Aug 2022 to
May 2024
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Washington University
EEPS 171 The Solar System
Jan 2025 to
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
EESC 2200 Solid Earth Systems
EESC 2100 Climate Systems
Aug 2022 to
May 2024

Leadership & Service
Leadership & Service
04/2024 - 08/2024
April 2024 to Aug 2024
Volunteer Staff Lead (YLI Program)
Volunteer Staff Lead (YLI Program)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
04/2021 - 04/2024
April 2021 to April 2024
Volunteer Mentor (YLI Program)
Volunteer Mentor (YLI Program)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
08/2023 - 05/2024
Aug 2023 to
May 2024
Residential Advisor (Student Leader)
Residential Advisor (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Student Life
Columbia University, Student Life
06/2021 - 08/2021
June 2021 to Aug 2021
Peer Counselor (Student Leader)
Peer Counselor (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Academic Success Program
Columbia University, Academic Success Program
10/2021 - 05/2022
Oct 2021 to
May 2022
Vice President of Sustainability (Student Leader)
Vice President of Sustainability (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Residence Hall Council
Columbia University, Residence Hall Council
August 2021
August 2021
Orientation Leader (Student Leader)
Orientation Leader (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Student Life
Columbia University, Student Life
Volunteer Staff Lead (YLI Program)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
04/2024 - 08/2024
Volunteer Mentor (YLI Program)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
04/2021 - 04/2024
Residential Advisor (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Student Life
08/2023 - 05/2024
Peer Counsel (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Academic Success Programs
06/2021 - 08/2021
Vice President of Sustainability (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Residence Hall Council
10/2021 - 05/2022
Orientation Leader (Student Leader)
Columbia University, Student Life
August 2021
08/2024 - present
Aug 2024 to
Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis
08/2024 - present
Aug 2024 to present
Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis
11/2022 - present
Nov 2022 to
03/2022 - 05/2024
Mar 2022 to
May 2024
03/2022 - 05/2024
Mar 2022 to May 2024
08/2020 - 05/2024
Aug 2020 to May 2024
Columbia University
Columbia University
07/2020 - 05/2024
July 2020 to May 2024
Academic Success Programs (Scholar)
Academic Success Programs (Scholar)
Columbia University
Columbia University
Latino Graduate Student Association
Washington University in St. Louis
08/2024- present
American Geophysical Union
National, USA
11/2022 - present
Blueshift Club (Astronomy)
Columbia University
03/2022 - 05/2024
Marie Thorp Society (Geology)
Columbia University
07/2020 - 05/2024
Questbridge Network (First-Generation, Low-Income)
Columbia University
08/2020 - 05/2024
Academic Success Programs
Columbia University
07/2020 - 05/2024
Senior Thesis, Columbia University
Senior Thesis, Columbia University
April 2024
April 2024
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Poster),
Columbia University
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Poster),
Columbia University
Senior Thesis, Columbia University
September 2023
April 2024
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Poster), Columbia University
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Poster), Columbia University
September 2022
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Talk), California Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Talk), California Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Talk),
California Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Research Symposium (Talk),
California Institute of Technology
August 2023
American Geophysical Union Fall Conference (Poster),
Chicago, IL
American Geophysical Union Fall Conference (Poster),
Chicago, IL
December 2022
Undergraduate Research Symposium,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Undergraduate Research Symposium,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
August 2022
American Geophysical Union Fall Conference (Poster), Chicago, IL
December 2022
Undergraduate Research Symposium, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Short Headline
RN Greenberger, M Harris, BL Ehlmann, R Knight, C León Jr, “Understanding Alteration of the Ocean Crust through Imaging Spectroscopy Measurements of the Oman Drilling Project Cores” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (184), V43B-0184
Short Headline
C León Jr, S Ding, TA Plank, “Understanding CO2-S Degassing from San Cristóbal Volcano”, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, V32E-0117

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Electron Microprobe, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS), Piston-Cylinder Apparatus
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Electron Microprobe, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS), Piston-Cylinder Apparatus
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Electron Microprobe, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS), Piston-Cylinder Apparatus
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GeoMapApp, MELTS Software, ENVI, AZtecTEM (for SEM Processing), Python, MatLab
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GeoMapApp, MELTS Software, ENVI, AZtecTEM (for SEM Processing), Python, MatLab
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GeoMapApp, MELTS Software, ENVI, AZtecTEM (for SEM Processing), Python, MatLab

Projects & Research 🌎🌍🌏
Projects & Research 🌎🌍🌏
Science Communication
Science Communication
Read my latest article breaking down the history of lunar water discoveries and an upcoming mission to the moon!
[The Conversation Article on Lunar Trailblazer]
More Communication Project and Articles Upcoming…
Read my latest article breaking down the history of lunar water discoveries and an upcoming mission to the moon!
[The Conversation Article on Lunar Trailblazer]
More Communication Project and Articles Upcoming…
Mentorship Resources
Mentorship Resources
Documents and Resources for Student Planning and Success Upcoming…
[Instagram Profile]
Documents and Resources for Student Planning and Success Upcoming…
[Instagram Profile]

Understanding CO2-S Degassing from the San Cristóbal Volcano
Understanding CO2-S Degassing from the San Cristóbal Volcano
Understanding CO2-S Degassing from the San Cristóbal Volcano
Lab Website
A sudden increase in the CO2/SO2 ratio in high-temperature gas has been observed prior to eruption in many arc volcanoes and can be potentially used as an eruptive precursor. However, this ratio remains tricky to interpret due to the large variability that may be displayed over time and between eruption cycles. San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua shows abnormally high CO2/SO2 ratios in its high-temperature gas and has actively degassed and erupted over the past 50 years, making it a useful endmember to study for the factors that control volcanic gas compositions.
Melt Inclusions (MIs), ideally, preserve volatile contents of magma at the time of their entrapment, and can be used to infer the melt and gas composition at different degassing depths. However, shrinkage bubbles in MIs can cause a significant underestimate of the CO2 budget. This study uses olivine-hosted melt inclusions from a primitive, Holocene sample (SC11D) of the San Cristóbal volcano to constrain the CO2 and S contents in the parental magma during ascent and degassing.
To address the shrinkage bubble issue and reconstruct a more accurate MI CO2 concentration, I recreate chamber conditions by conducting piston cylinder experiments at 7 kbar and 1150-1280°C to redissolve bubbles back into their melt. I then use fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to analyze the H2O and CO2 concentrations, followed by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to measure S and major element concentrations in treated MIs.
Our new rehomogenized MI measurements, with >3600 ppm maximum, increase CO2 measurements for San Cristóbal volcano 50% over previous raman spectroscopy measurements, ~1800 ppm, and ~3x relative to untreated samples, <1000 ppm CO2 (Robidoux et al. 2017, 2018). Our new data increase the estimated depth at which San Cristóbal volcanic gas derives to >20 km and degassing modeling has interpreted the CO2/S ratio’s degassing trend. Constraining CO2/S concentrations by addressing shrinkage bubble formation allows for a more accurate derived depth of degassing to, in turn, better understand dynamics of magma ascension for the San Cristóbal and other arc volcanoes.
Lab Website
A sudden increase in the CO2/SO2 ratio in high-temperature gas has been observed prior to eruption in many arc volcanoes and can be potentially used as an eruptive precursor. However, this ratio remains tricky to interpret due to the large variability that may be displayed over time and between eruption cycles. San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua shows abnormally high CO2/SO2 ratios in its high-temperature gas and has actively degassed and erupted over the past 50 years, making it a useful endmember to study for the factors that control volcanic gas compositions.
Melt Inclusions (MIs), ideally, preserve volatile contents of magma at the time of their entrapment, and can be used to infer the melt and gas composition at different degassing depths. However, shrinkage bubbles in MIs can cause a significant underestimate of the CO2 budget. This study uses olivine-hosted melt inclusions from a primitive, Holocene sample (SC11D) of the San Cristóbal volcano to constrain the CO2 and S contents in the parental magma during ascent and degassing.
To address the shrinkage bubble issue and reconstruct a more accurate MI CO2 concentration, I recreate chamber conditions by conducting piston cylinder experiments at 7 kbar and 1150-1280°C to redissolve bubbles back into their melt. I then use fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to analyze the H2O and CO2 concentrations, followed by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to measure S and major element concentrations in treated MIs.
Our new rehomogenized MI measurements, with >3600 ppm maximum, increase CO2 measurements for San Cristóbal volcano 50% over previous raman spectroscopy measurements, ~1800 ppm, and ~3x relative to untreated samples, <1000 ppm CO2 (Robidoux et al. 2017, 2018). Our new data increase the estimated depth at which San Cristóbal volcanic gas derives to >20 km and degassing modeling has interpreted the CO2/S ratio’s degassing trend. Constraining CO2/S concentrations by addressing shrinkage bubble formation allows for a more accurate derived depth of degassing to, in turn, better understand dynamics of magma ascension for the San Cristóbal and other arc volcanoes.
Lab Website
A sudden increase in the CO2/SO2 ratio in high-temperature gas has been observed prior to eruption in many arc volcanoes and can be potentially used as an eruptive precursor. However, this ratio remains tricky to interpret due to the large variability that may be displayed over time and between eruption cycles. San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua shows abnormally high CO2/SO2 ratios in its high-temperature gas and has actively degassed and erupted over the past 50 years, making it a useful endmember to study for the factors that control volcanic gas compositions.
Melt Inclusions (MIs), ideally, preserve volatile contents of magma at the time of their entrapment, and can be used to infer the melt and gas composition at different degassing depths. However, shrinkage bubbles in MIs can cause a significant underestimate of the CO2 budget. This study uses olivine-hosted melt inclusions from a primitive, Holocene sample (SC11D) of the San Cristóbal volcano to constrain the CO2 and S contents in the parental magma during ascent and degassing.
To address the shrinkage bubble issue and reconstruct a more accurate MI CO2 concentration, I recreate chamber conditions by conducting piston cylinder experiments at 7 kbar and 1150-1280°C to redissolve bubbles back into their melt. I then use fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to analyze the H2O and CO2 concentrations, followed by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to measure S and major element concentrations in treated MIs.
Our new rehomogenized MI measurements, with >3600 ppm maximum, increase CO2 measurements for San Cristóbal volcano 50% over previous raman spectroscopy measurements, ~1800 ppm, and ~3x relative to untreated samples, <1000 ppm CO2 (Robidoux et al. 2017, 2018). Our new data increase the estimated depth at which San Cristóbal volcanic gas derives to >20 km and degassing modeling has interpreted the CO2/S ratio’s degassing trend. Constraining CO2/S concentrations by addressing shrinkage bubble formation allows for a more accurate derived depth of degassing to, in turn, better understand dynamics of magma ascension for the San Cristóbal and other arc volcanoes.
Investigation of Hydrothermal Alteration of Prehnite and Epidote from the Oman Ocean Crust and on other Planetary Bodies through Imaging Spectroscopy
Investigation of Hydrothermal Alteration of Prehnite and Epidote from the Oman Ocean Crust and on other Planetary Bodies through Imaging Spectroscopy
Investigation of Hydrothermal Alteration of Prehnite and Epidote from the Oman Ocean Crust and on other Planetary Bodies through Imaging Spectroscopy
Lab Website
Earth’s ocean crust covers around 60% of the surface of the planet, and hydrothermal systems are very common on Earth and other planetary bodies. Yet, geochemical interactions which form, cool, and alter oceanic crust are not entirely understood because access to samples is not easy or cheap.
In this project, we are looking at ~1.2 km drill cores (Holes GT1A, GT2A & GT3A) from the Oman ophiolite recovered by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program’s Oman Drilling Project (Kelemen et al. 2020). This region of oceanic crust is particularly interesting because it is an area where ocean crust and parts of the upper mantle outcropped onto the surface (Searle and Cox 1999) which provides easier access. Surface processes, such as weathering, could have altered the state of the ophiolite, consequently, their effects need to be considered before extrapolating geochemical processes from its suboceanic roots. These cores were scanned with an imaging spectrometer which measures reflected light at many wavelengths (Crotteau, M. A. et al. 2021; Greenberger, et al. 2021).
These datasets can be used to obtain mineralogical data of the core at sub-millimeter spatial resolution. Visible-shortwave infrared reflectance micro-imaging spectroscopy (Leask, et al. 2016) has incredible applications for observing planetary surfaces as the technique is highly practical, speedy, and non-destructive. However, mineral quantification studies with empirical data are necessary before deploying this technique for observable, but not physically attainable, measurements (e.g. rocks from Mars).
We completed scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements and developed correlations with existing spectroscopic data. We then analyzed and corroborated elemental composition data to quantify minerals. This study aims to develop more accurate methods of quantifying prehnite and epidote, distinguish between different minerals and their relative abundance, and find a holistic understanding of the core in its entirety instead of assumption-based correlations through targeted measurement sites.
Lab Website
Earth’s ocean crust covers around 60% of the surface of the planet, and hydrothermal systems are very common on Earth and other planetary bodies. Yet, geochemical interactions which form, cool, and alter oceanic crust are not entirely understood because access to samples is not easy or cheap.
In this project, we are looking at ~1.2 km drill cores (Holes GT1A, GT2A & GT3A) from the Oman ophiolite recovered by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program’s Oman Drilling Project (Kelemen et al. 2020). This region of oceanic crust is particularly interesting because it is an area where ocean crust and parts of the upper mantle outcropped onto the surface (Searle and Cox 1999) which provides easier access. Surface processes, such as weathering, could have altered the state of the ophiolite, consequently, their effects need to be considered before extrapolating geochemical processes from its suboceanic roots. These cores were scanned with an imaging spectrometer which measures reflected light at many wavelengths (Crotteau, M. A. et al. 2021; Greenberger, et al. 2021).
These datasets can be used to obtain mineralogical data of the core at sub-millimeter spatial resolution. Visible-shortwave infrared reflectance micro-imaging spectroscopy (Leask, et al. 2016) has incredible applications for observing planetary surfaces as the technique is highly practical, speedy, and non-destructive. However, mineral quantification studies with empirical data are necessary before deploying this technique for observable, but not physically attainable, measurements (e.g. rocks from Mars).
We completed scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements and developed correlations with existing spectroscopic data. We then analyzed and corroborated elemental composition data to quantify minerals. This study aims to develop more accurate methods of quantifying prehnite and epidote, distinguish between different minerals and their relative abundance, and find a holistic understanding of the core in its entirety instead of assumption-based correlations through targeted measurement sites.
Lab Website
Earth’s ocean crust covers around 60% of the surface of the planet, and hydrothermal systems are very common on Earth and other planetary bodies. Yet, geochemical interactions which form, cool, and alter oceanic crust are not entirely understood because access to samples is not easy or cheap.
In this project, we are looking at ~1.2 km drill cores (Holes GT1A, GT2A & GT3A) from the Oman ophiolite recovered by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program’s Oman Drilling Project (Kelemen et al. 2020). This region of oceanic crust is particularly interesting because it is an area where ocean crust and parts of the upper mantle outcropped onto the surface (Searle and Cox 1999) which provides easier access. Surface processes, such as weathering, could have altered the state of the ophiolite, consequently, their effects need to be considered before extrapolating geochemical processes from its suboceanic roots. These cores were scanned with an imaging spectrometer which measures reflected light at many wavelengths (Crotteau, M. A. et al. 2021; Greenberger, et al. 2021).
These datasets can be used to obtain mineralogical data of the core at sub-millimeter spatial resolution. Visible-shortwave infrared reflectance micro-imaging spectroscopy (Leask, et al. 2016) has incredible applications for observing planetary surfaces as the technique is highly practical, speedy, and non-destructive. However, mineral quantification studies with empirical data are necessary before deploying this technique for observable, but not physically attainable, measurements (e.g. rocks from Mars).
We completed scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements and developed correlations with existing spectroscopic data. We then analyzed and corroborated elemental composition data to quantify minerals. This study aims to develop more accurate methods of quantifying prehnite and epidote, distinguish between different minerals and their relative abundance, and find a holistic understanding of the core in its entirety instead of assumption-based correlations through targeted measurement sites.

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© César León 2023 | In Collaboration